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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

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    Showing posts with label Mazes. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Mazes. Show all posts

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014

    Palm Sunday Photo Courtesy of Randi Hausken Palm Sunday comes but once a year. While many children's favorite holiday is Christmas, Easter is my daughter's favorite and has been for years. Now, you are probably thinking she likes it because of the Easter Bunny. That couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it is Easter as a whole. She loves...

    Saturday, August 31, 2013

    Jesus performed many miracles while here on earth. Some included healing the sick and the lame while others involved raising people from the dead and casting evil spirits out of others. All amazing in their own way. We, as Sunday school teachers, can not only learn a lot from these miracles, but we have the opportunity to teach kids about them too....

    Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    Here is a FREE maze to use as one of your Sunday school activities. It was developed to go along with the Gideon in the bible Sunday school lesson, but you can use it with any lesson you see fit. If you like this maze, be sure to add your e-mail to the right so we can send you updates when new activities, games and lessons are available. We will...