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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Tuesday, January 26, 2016

    Sunday School teachers are always on the look out for new ways to inspire their Sunday School kids to learn the bible and bible verses. So, today we are going to talk about ways to decorate your Sunday School classroom.

    No matter what age your class from nursery to adults, people love to have visuals. Visuals can be anything from carpets and maps to dry erase boards and wall art. One thing in my classroom I always try to have is wall art prints with bible verses on them. I often change them out, so you can't have too many.

    Since I teach kids ages 4 to 7 in Sunday School and ages 2 to 14 in our youth group, visuals have become a part of my routine. I have tried many times to teach the kids without using a visual, but found that I lose the kids attention really early on.

    When you only have a short time with the kids each time you meet, every second counts!

    Below are two cheap wall art prints to help decorate your room. These wall art prints are digital downloads and are pretty cheap compared to most room decorating prints. As I am typing this, they are only $5 which is an amazing price and once you download the file, you can print as many as you like in the sizes that you need, so you can use them not only for Sunday School, but also VBS, youth groups, junior church or anything else you can find a use for them.

    Also, before I forget... stop now and add your email to the right so you don't miss out on anything! 

    Click on the image to get the download! 

    This image is perfect to reinforce that 'all things were made by him' and without him nothing was made!! How awesome is that! 

    This moth is one of God's amazing creatures that he made. The image is bright and colorful and looks great hung up on walls! Click the image to get the download!

    As a bonus Sunday School decorating idea, I've added this decal idea below. If you click on the image it will take you to Amazon. Amazon had dozens upon dozens of decals just like this one. Some are smaller and some larger depending on how big your room is. If you use smaller ones, you can add quite a few around your room, then once the kids know the verses by heart, switch out with another Sunday school teacher so you'll have new ones in your room all the time! These are also beautiful to decorate the sanctuary with too!

    If you like motivational quotes or inspirational sayings, be sure to Like this Facebook page to get you inspired each and every day! May God bless you as you spread the Word of God!


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