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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Monday, July 15, 2013

    This fun Sunday school game will have the kids laughing and learning all at the same time! We came up with this game to go along with the FREE Sunday school lesson about Jonah and the Whale.

    The great thing about this game is you don't need any extra props or equipment!

    The only thing you'll need for this game is room to run and kids who want to have fun! This is a great game to use in VBS and church youth groups too!

    Jonah and the Whale Game
    Sunday School Games
    Photo: EJ Fox, Wikimedia Commons

    Jonah and the Whale Sunday School Game

    Depending on how many children you have will determine the amount of room needed for this game.

    The kids will start the game on one side of the room or area. Pick one person to go first. This person will be the 'whale'.

    The 'whale' will stand in the middle of the room.

    When you yell, "STORM!"

    The kids will try to run from one side of the room to the other without getting caught, or tagged, by the whale.

    Tip: The area should not be too big as the 'whale' will have a hard time catching anyone and may become discouraged. It is more fun to allow the whale to catch someone each time across.

    If a child is tagged by the whale, that person will stay in the center too. The more children who are tagged the harder it will be for those remaining to make it across.

    This game moves pretty fast making it easier to play over and over which kids love.

    The game ends when only one player is left who hasn't been tagged and the center is full of whales.

    Sometimes, everyone gets tagged and that's okay too!

    Just pick another 'whale' and start again!

    1 comment:

    1. This game is helping me in a real pinch, thank you for the idea!!
