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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

    Thursday, January 23, 2014

    Easter Coloring Pages
    Photo courtesy of McKay Savage
    Yes, I know that it is still January when this is being posted, but I can't stop thinking about Easter. For one, we have had zero degree weather and are expecting snow with more frigid temperatures.

    I think not only am I looking forward to the warmer weather that Easter brings, I am also looking forward to that time in Sunday school where I get to share the good news - He isn't here. He is risen!!

    Praise God!!! Hallelujah!!!!

    As you'll see in the Easter coloring page below, Jesus isn't hanging on the cross.

    Do you know why?

    To put it simply - He isn't there.

    How different would it have been if Jesus had remained on the cross?

    I don't ever want to imagine that. Our heavenly Father above had a much better plan than that. What was it?

    Jesus arose from the dead and lives today in heaven! For those who have asked Jesus to be their savior, they will also live forever in heaven!

    I thank God that I am one of those who have asked Jesus to save me. I will never have to worry again what comes after death. I know - eternal life.

    This Easter, spread the good news - He is Risen!!!

    Free Easter Coloring Pages

    In this first coloring page, kids can color the letters of the bible verse, then cut out the letters and glue them onto a piece of colored construction paper. Pastel colors work nice. You may also want to use glue sticks so the glue will dry faster.
    For smaller children, let them cut out each word while older kids can cut out each letter. This makes for a great craft the kids can take home and talk to their family about.
    It is hard to tell in the picture below, but the verse is Matthew 28:6 which says, He is not here; for he is risen.


    Easter Bulletin Board Ideas

    10 Commandments Activities
    Photo courtesy of Ole Houen
    The 10 Commandments Sunday school lesson is one of the most searched for lessons on our site.

    It's because of this that we've decided to add an extra Sunday school activity to go along with it - a free word search puzzle!

    The word search puzzle below can be printed off and used in your class to supplement the Sunday school lesson or you can use it as a review of the Ten Commandments before class starts.

    In our Sunday school class, some kids come ten minutes early while some kids are five minutes late. This leaves time for the kids to either run around and get hyped up or to learn about God.

    You only have your class a very short time each week. Use it to teach them as much about God as possible!

    Sunday School Activity

    Find more Sunday school activities!!

    Here is a 10 Commandments Chart for your wall or door. It's great to have in your room so the kids can see it at all times. Be sure to go over each commandment from time to time so the kids don't forget them.

    (Click the image)
    Sunday School Activities
    Photo courtesy of Rjruiziii
    Many people in the bible have one story, but Moses has many. From his birth to his death, God allows us to follow the life of Moses.

    His life was filled with good times and bad, but through it all God never left his side.

    Thankfully, we have that same assurance.

    God will never leave our side. Whether we are going through good times or bad, we can rest assured God is right there with us.

    At the bottom of the page, I've added a video by Colton Dixon that affirms just what I'm saying. The lyrics are listed below the video. Just like the 'Footprints in the Sand' where God carries us at some times of our life, Colton sings about how God was never gone...


    Free Word Search Puzzle - Moses in Egypt


    Colton Dixon - Never Gone Video


    While Moses didn't feel he was the right man for the job, God knew he was the perfect man for it! There are many times we are just like Moses and feel we just can't do what God needs us to do.

    Whether it is go on a mission trip, spend a few more hours at church, lead VBS, visit the kids in your

    Sunday school classroom outside of church or any number of things God needs us for, we need to
    step up to the plate or risk missing out on blessings from God.

    I know how your feeling.

    More than likely, each and every one of you have been there at one time or another. Now, don't think I'm asking you to bite off more than you can chew. All I am asking is that you pray and listen for God's instructions.

    When He gives you your next assignment, stand up and say, "Here I am!" just as Moses did when God spoke to him out of the burning bush.

    Let My People Go - Sunday School Lesson

    While the above section was intended for the Sunday school teacher, it can be used as the beginning of your lesson too.

    Kids need to learn from a young age that when God needs them, they should be ready!

    When God gave Moses the task of going to the Pharaoh over all of Egypt, Moses wasn't sure he was ready. In fact, he didn't want to go at all.

    Instead, he told the Lord, "Lord, I don't speak very well. I am slow of speech."

    Maybe Moses couldn't speak very well. Maybe he stuttered. What Moses should have realized was the God had made his mouth, his voice and his tongue. God needed Moses to tell the Pharaoh to let his people go and God would be with him. He could do it.

    Why wouldn't Pharaoh let the Israelite people go?

    You see, Pharaoh was afraid the Israelite people were going to grow so strong that they would one day take over Egypt. So, he made them his slaves. He wanted to keep them as slaves. He didn't want to let them go.

    When Moses didn't want to go to Egypt to tell Pharaoh to let God's people go, God was angry.

    God said, "Moses you have a brother named Aaron. He speaks very well. Take him with you. Don't worry Moses. I will teach you what to do and what to say. I will be with you through it all."

    Moses and Aaron finally went to Pharaoh and although the Pharaoh didn't let the Israelite people go at first, God showed the Pharaoh who was in charge and eventually, he did let them go.

    Bible Verse for this Lesson

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)
    18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

    If you have smaller kids and the verse is too long, you can break it down and just help them learn either...

    In every thing give thanks:
    for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus

    What Can We Learn?

    God never asks us to do something we are not capable of. Instead, he uses us in ways we never knew existed. During this lesson, stress to your class that each one of them have something special God has given them and whether they know what it is or not, God does knows and that's all that matters.

    When God is with us, we shouldn't be scared.

    It can be hard to step outside our comfort zone, but sometimes that's just what it takes - stepping out. I've added a video below. Listen to the song lyrics. It's all about stepping out even when your heart is telling you to give up.

    If you are able, maybe you can show this video to your class.

    Standing in front of the church, praying out loud, telling your friends about Jesus, and standing up for what you believe are all things that can make us scared at times. But, just as God was with Moses, he will be with you too.

    You can read more about Moses in the book of Exodus.


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    Friday, January 17, 2014

    This Sunday school lesson will help you teach kids about the power of prayer. From an early age, kids are taught to say their prayers before bed or maybe even thank God for their food.

    Of course, when there is dire need, we all bow our head and turn to God for help and healing, but there is so much more to prayer time than just these times of your life.

    The bible verse for this lesson is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV. Use this verse for your lesson and as a memory verse to learn for the following week. It is simple and easy to learn. It's also great for teachers, so show your kids you are learning it right along with them.

    1 Thessalonians 5:17
     Pray without ceasing.

    Prayer Time
    This picture was taken in 1936 during the Great Depression.
    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    The Power of Prayer - Sunday School Lesson

    Begin your lesson by asking, "How many of you want to do what God wants?"

    Wait for hands to be raised. Hopefully, all of your class will want to do what God wants them to do. If you have young children (pre-school or younger), you may have to ask questions to get them to understand what you're asking.
    Train up a child...
    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    Some questions you may ask could be:

    "Do you want to make God happy?"
    "Do you want to make God smile?"
    "Do you want Jesus to be proud of you?"

    Once the kids are ready, have them stand up and turn around facing their seat (or on the floor). Have them bow down on their knees and put their head on their hands or even in their hands. Some kids like to pull their shirts up around their head so that no one can see them.

    Ask them to quietly bow their head and think only of God and Jesus. For very small children, have them bow for about 30 seconds, for elementary kids - about 60 seconds, for middle school kids - about 90 seconds, and for teens - about 2 to 3 minutes. If your teens are mature, you may want to have them bow for 5 minutes or longer.

    Tell them that if anything else comes into their mind besides God and Jesus, they are to push it out. Then, concentrate again.

    Believe it or not, just a few quite minutes thinking of God will make a world of difference in the mood of your class.

    Some kids will have a hard time the first couple of times you do this, so before beginning the quiet time with God, be sure to tell them; if playing video games comes into your mind - push it out, if food or soccer comes into your mind - push it out, if your knees begin to hurt - push it out.

    Think only of God or Jesus.

    The Power of Prayer

    Let the kids sit back onto their chair. Before class, have a pencil and small piece of paper ready for each child or teen. While you are handing out the paper and pencils, have the kids think about one thing (or two or three things for teens) they would like God to help them with.

    Be sure to have paper and pencils.
    For instance, some kids may have trouble telling the truth. Others may have trouble with not minding their parents or back talking. Some kids may have a temper.

    Whatever it is the kids think they need God's help with, tell them to write it down on the paper you gave them. For small kids, help them write it and let them hold it.

    After all the kids are finished, have them fold the paper once and hold it in their hand.

    Now, have them get back into the bowing position at their seats.

    This time, instead of having quiet time with God, have them prayer only for the thing they wrote down on their paper.

    Allow as much time as needed for the kids to finish. Teens tend to take much longer, be sure to let them finish without interruption.

    Following Up on The Power of Prayer

    Powerful prayers can lead to miracles! Don't let this prayer time stop at Sunday school. Before the kids leave, ask them to write down their texting numbers or e-mail addresses. Find some way to contact them.

    Text your Sunday School Class
    during the week.
    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
    For children who don't have cell phones or e-mails, get their parents' numbers.

    Let the kids know that you will be contacting them during the week. Tell them to look for a text or e-mail that will say:

    Pray without ceasing!

    This will serve to remind them to pray for the thing they wrote down on the paper and spend a minute or two quiet time with God.

    The bible tells us:

    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
    Proverbs 22:6 KJV

    This is your time to make a difference. Don't miss out.

    The power of prayer and quiet with God is amazing. You and your Sunday school class will begin to see this as you practice this each week.

    May God bless you.

    Find more FREE Sunday School Lessons!


    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    In this free bible story of Moses in the River, you'll find all you need to teach a full Sunday school lesson. This lesson is perfect for all ages up to about 10 years of age. Of course, you can add more details and facts to make it great for pre-teens and teens, as well.

    Remember, even small children as young as one or two years old love hearing bible stories along with playing games. For this lesson, we've added a link to a fun game (bottom of the page).

    As an added bonus: You can print off the bible story picture below to use as a visual.


    Bible Verse for This Lesson

    Proverbs 3:5 KJV
    Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

    Moses in the River Sunday School Lesson

    Our bible story today comes from the book of Exodus chapter 2.

    In Egypt, there was a not-so-nice Pharaoh who was afraid of the people of Israel. He thought that the more Israelites there were, the easier it would be for them to take over his kingdom.

    To make himself more safe, he made the Israelite people into slaves. But, that wasn't all.

    He also decided that there were too many Israelites. So, he made a very bad cruel law. This law said that when a baby boy was born to an Israelite family, the baby was to be thrown into the river and drown.

    How horrible!

    During this time, there was a mommy who had a baby boy. She didn't want the Pharaoh to take him, so she decided to hide him secretly. She hid him in their house for three months.

    When she could no longer hide him, she made him a basket out of reeds and sealed it with a special tar to help the basket float.

    River Reeds
    Photo courtesy of Philip Halling, Wikimedia
    Then, she put the little baby boy inside the basket and took it to the river (Nile River).

    There in the tall reeds on the riverbank she set the basket to float. The little baby's sister stayed nearby to watch over him and the basket. Her name was Miriam.

     We don't know how long the baby was safe in the basket in the river. But, we do know that his sister stayed watch over him.

    One day, the Pharaoh's daughter came down to the river to take a bath. Can you imagine how Miriam must have felt. Here she was watching over her small baby brother when the mean Pharaoh's daughter came near?

    Or maybe, she was hoping his daughter would find her brother? Perhaps she was a nice kind princess and the baby's mother, Jochebed, hoped she would love her baby enough to save it?

    What Happened to the Baby?

    So, what do you think happened to the little baby in the basket floating in the river?

    When the princess saw the basket, she sent one of her servant's to get it. When she opened it and found the little baby, she knew right away it must be an Israelite baby. The bible tells us that the little baby was crying when she found it.

    Instead of staying hid, Miriam stepped out to talk to the princess.

    She asked, "Do you want me to find someone to take care of the baby for you?"

    Secretly, Miriam was going to get her very own mother.

    You can see Miriam hiding
    in the reeds if you look closely.
    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia.
    When the princess agreed, Miriam ran to find her mother, Jochebed. When Jochebed came to the princess, the princess said, "Take the baby with you and take care of him."

    Think about how relieved his mother and sister must have been. Even though, when the baby grows older, he will go and live with the princess, they got to spend the next few years with him and made sure he was safe.

    Once the little boy grew old enough, Jochebed took him to live with the princess where he grew up.

    Does anyone know what the princess named this little baby?
    Wait for answers.

    She named him Moses because the name Moses means 'to draw out' and that's what she did - drew him out of the water.

    Watch the Story of Moses

    This is the Disney movie of the life of Moses which won an Academy Award!
    If you have time, you can show this whole movie to your Sunday school class or even break it down into two weeks, if needed.

    Play the Find Baby Moses Game

    For some extra fun on Sunday morning, check out this FREE Sunday school game we call - Finding Baby Moses!

    It's similar to hide-and-seek and easy or hard enough for all ages!

    Find More FREE Bible Stories and Sunday School Lesson!!!!

    The bible story of Moses is one that shows the courage, determination and love of one mother to save her son. While she chose to break the law and not turn him over to the Pharaoh's cruel law, she ultimately not only saved her own son, but the entire Israelite nation!

    God was with Jochebed as she made the decision to hide him in a basket in the Nile River. Although she didn't know that her little baby boy would grow up to part the Red Sea and lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, she did know she loved him and took a chance to save his life.

    If only we would take a chance and step out for God!

    How would our life change if we only took that first step to trusting God whole heartedly!

    Before explaining the game, take time to listen to the remarkable song by Brit Nicole to get you into the chance-taking mood.

    You can also get the FREE bible story of Moses to teach your kids.

    Finding Baby Moses Sunday School Game

    The only thing you'll need to play this game is a paper picture of a basket and some tape.

    You can either print out the picture of Moses' basket (above) or draw one yourself. It doesn't have to look pretty. Kids don't mind.

    I drew a picture of a basket about 4 inches long and 3 inches tall. I colored a blue blanket on top and cut it out.

    I simply told the kids what it was and they accepted the poor looking basket as what it was :)

    To play the game:

    Have the kids turn to one wall or put their head down on a table and close or hide their eyes. Use a piece of tape on the paper basket to hide the paper basket under chairs or tables, along walls, behind curtains, or anywhere else you can find.

    Once hidden, let kids find baby Moses.

    Whoever finds the basket gets to hide it next.

    If hidden too hard, you can give clues or play 'hot' or 'cold' until they find it. You'll be surprised at how much they love this game - I was.

    Have fun and enjoy teaching about Moses!

    Picture of basket above is courtesy of Open Clip Art.

    Monday, January 6, 2014

    For a quick Sunday school lesson, try using this Sunday school game. This is especially great if you are short on time or need to add a little extra something to your lesson.

    You'll have to prepare in advance for this one, but don't worry. It only takes a few minutes.

    What you'll need:
    • tape
    • markers or crayons - 4 different colors
    • paper or index cards
    • scissors
    10 Commandment Sunday School Game and Lesson
    Photo courtesy of Jimmy_Joe, Wikimedia

    10 Commandment Sunday School Game

    We like to call this game Holy Name Scramble.
    Before class, cut out 18 small squares. We used 3 x 2 inch squares for ages 4 to 7, but for older kids you could make the squares a bit smaller or for smaller kids make the squares a bit larger. The size is totally up to you.

    On the squares, you'll need to write the words "God", "Jesus", "Christ", and "Lord".

    Use one letter for each card. Each word will need to have it's own color (see picture below). We used purple, blue, green, and red. The picture below isn't very good. I took it with my phone, but you get the idea.

    Next, we hid the letters along the walls and hallways using tape. We lined the kids up against one wall. On the count of three, the kids took off running to find the letters.

    Tip: Since we have small children, we told the kids to only find 2 letters each. This allowed all of the kids to find letters without feeling left out. Once everyone found two letters, we let them go search again.

    When the kids found the letters, they raced back to the table to unscramble the words. Since each word was one color, it was easier for them to figure out each one.

    Tip: For older kids, use only one color and let them figure out what each word is. This will take longer and often they will find they have missed a letter and will have to go searching for it.

    Get the FREE
    10 Commandments Word Search
    Object of this Game/Lesson

    The object for this game is to teach kids about the holy names of our Lord and Savior and how precious these names are. Talk to your Sunday school class about how these names aren't meant to be used when we are angry or thrown around in everyday language for no reason at all.

    Ask the kids, "Have you ever heard anyone say, Oh, my and then add God's name to it?"

    Then ask, "Did you know that was a sin?"

    Refer to the Commandment number 3 and explain how keeping God's name holy is one of the 10 Commandments we are to follow.

    If we use the Lord's name in vain, how can we be witnesses to others?

    As Christians, we need to set an example and not act or talk like the world.

    Extra! Extra! Print this Out

    To finish off this lesson, print out one of these 10 Commandment coloring page for the kids to color.


    Saturday, December 28, 2013

    Bible stories are great to teach your Sunday school kids about the word of God, but teaching them facts along the way are great too!

    It's amazing how often I set down to study my Sunday school lesson for my young class only to find I've learned two or three things I didn't know myself.

    I'm sure you've been there too.

    During this lesson, I hope you learn something as well as teaching your children in Sunday school this week.

    First Kings of Israel

    First King of Israel

    The people of Israel wanted a king, so God gave them Saul. One of the cool things about Saul was that he was secretly anointed by Samuel.

    The bible tells us that Saul was tall and handsome. When I think of a king, I think of a tall, handsome man, do you?

    Ask the kids in Sunday school what they think a king might look like. Wait for answers.

    If you have a crown or kingly clothes (maybe from a Christmas play), you could let the kids dress up like kings during the lesson or after. You could even play the "The King Game".

    When Saul was made king, the people were not sure if this was the king they really wanted. Over time, Saul proved to be an able king and the people accepted him.

    Of course, being a king is hard and sometimes kings make bad decisions.

    Ask the kids, "Do you remember David who killed the giant Goliath?"

    When Saul was upset, David would play a musical instrument called the lyre to sooth him. After David killed Goliath, David began to become popular with the people and Saul became jealous.

    Saul became so jealous he wanted to get rid of David. Jealousy is a bad thing and never leads to anything good.

    Ask the kids, "Have you ever been jealous?"

    We've all been jealous at one time or another of someone else. Think about it - maybe you've been jealous of someone's grade on a test. What about the clothes they were wearing? Maybe your friend plays football, but your parents won't let you? You could also be jealous of a brother or sister not getting in trouble when you think they should have.

    Jealousy comes in many forms and you have to watch out for it. Whenever you feel like you are jealous, stop and pray that God will help you.

    A Final Note on the Second King of Israel

    After many years, David became the second king of Israel. He was a great king and wrote many psalms in the bible. David not only killed Goliath and played the lyre, he also had seven older brothers which means he was the youngest.

    In most cases, when someone becomes king, it is the oldest son - not the youngest.

    In David's case, he was not only the youngest, but his father wasn't a king either. How could David have become king when his daddy wasn't a king?

    Wait for kids to answer.

    The answer is through God. As you've leaned before...for with God, nothing shall be impossible!

    David was king for 40 years and died when he was 70 years old.

    Here is a quick and fun Sunday school game for your kids to play this week. The only thing you'll need is some king clothes. Many Sunday schools already have king costumes from past Christmas plays which work great.

    If you don't, you can make a few crowns an use some clothes you have lying around the house.

    You can use the Sunday school game below with the Sunday school lesson about Israel's first kings.

    The King Game

    Here is what you'll need:

    • three to five crowns
    • king robes
    • king sashes
    • king rings
    • other king jewels
    • other king clothes
    Depending on the age children, you can add more pieces of clothing or fewer. It is best to use fewer pieces of clothing for smaller children and more pieces of clothing for older children.

    How to Play:

    Pile all of the clothes, jewelry, sandals, crowns, and anything else you have into a pile in the middle of the room. Make sure you have a whole outfit for each player. If needed, allow the kids to go in two or three groups so that everyone has a chance to put on the full set of king's clothes.

    When you give the signal, each player will race to the pile of king's clothes, find the pieces of clothes needed for an entire outfit, and put them on.

    The child who finishes first wins!

    You could have several rounds of this game to find the overall winner or just play for fun.

    Be sure to have your camera ready. This game gets a bit wild and crazy!