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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

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    Friday, March 29, 2013

    Teaching kids about spiritual growth is as important if not more than teaching kids to feed themselves. After teaching the Ruth in the bible Sunday school lesson, you can use this Sunday school game to let the kids have fun while they are learning about spiritual growth. Spiritual Growth Sunday School Game Sunday School Game Before...

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    Helping your spiritual side grow by harvesting the good things God has given us is just one of the Sunday school lessons that can be taught about Ruth in the bible. Ruth in the bible Sunday school lessons. Photo: wikimedia While the word 'harvesting' may make it sound like a good Sunday school lesson to teach during the Fall when it...

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    Palm Sunday - Sunday School Activity A cute and easy Palm Sunday - Sunday school activity is to make a cross from palm leaves or palm fronds as they are also known. You can use real palms or you can also make this Sunday school activity from the plastic ones from the store. =>=>=>Sign up to get FREE Sunday school stuff on the right!=>=>=> I...
    Easily make the 'Palm Sunday' Sunday school lesson into an interactive Sunday school game by adding a few simple concepts. The kids will love it and will want to 'do it again'. Palm Sunday- Sunday School GamePhoto Courtesy of Eric Jones- Wikimedia You can either read through the Palm Sunday lesson or print one up on your own to make this a cute...
    Palm Sunday is often overlooked by many Sunday school teachers. Yet, it is the story that leads to the cross and needs to be told. It's not only an amazing story, it contains miracles and every kid and kid-at-heart loves miracles. Focus on the miracles and some 'over turned' tables of the Palm Sunday story for the Sunday school lesson below. Fan...

    Friday, March 22, 2013

    Here is the 10 Commandments coloring page for commandment number four. Commandment number four is a commandment that often gets broken. Why? In today's world, businesses expect employees to work seven days a week. Sundays have become just another day to make a dollar or to catch up on work that couldn't be done the other six days. It is a sad...

    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    As our 10 Commandment Sunday School lesson talked about, this commandment is one of the hardest to keep. Teach your Sunday School class early to 'Keep the Lord's name special' so they will never use his name in vain. A great song to help teach this is the old Sunday School song O Be Careful Little Eyes. Sing this song several times during...
    This song is an oldie, but a goodie. It is a great way to teach Sunday School kids about watching what they see, hear, touch, where they go and what they say. O Be Careful, Little Eyes can be a complete Sunday School lesson for younger children.   =>=>=>Sign up to get FREE Sunday school stuff on the right!=>=>=>   O...
    To help you teach the 10 Commandments, we wanted to make a coloring page for each one. Below is Commandment Two coloring page (Get Commandment One coloring page).   10 Commandments Color Page #2     =>=>=>Sign up on the right to get FREE Sunday school stuff!=>=>=> I added an entire Sunday School lesson for...

    Friday, March 15, 2013

    Here is the second part of our 10 Commandments Sunday School lessons. If you didn't read the first part of the lesson, go to 10 Commandments part one now. For those who are ready for the second part of the Sunday School lesson, keep reading. Sunday School Lessons - 10 Commandments Picture Courtesy of Lance Cpl. Lauren Kurkimilis Wikimedia...
    Just standing in front of your Sunday School class talking about the 10 Commandments may be fine for older kids or adults, but for younger kids, you'll have to be a bit more creative. Sunday School Lessons - 10 Commandments Picture Courtesy of Lance Cpl. Lauren Kurkimilis Wikimedia Commons For this Sunday School lesson, we're going to be more...
    Most adults don't know the 10 Commandments, so how can we expect kids to know them? The truth is several of the 10 Commandments are so simple to learn, most Sunday School teachers don't teach them because they think the kids already know them, but do they? =>=>=>Sign up for FREE Sunday school stuff on the right!=>=>=> Sit...

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    Easter coloring pages are great for your class to take home as a reminder of what Easter really means. While bunnies and eggs are fun, it's not the real reason we celebrate the Easter holiday. Praise God! Easter is a time to remember the pain and suffering Jesus went through for us as he made his way to Calvary carrying his own cross. It is a...

    Thursday, March 7, 2013

    After you have finished the Sunday School lesson for Attributes of God - Get Organized, this Sunday School game will help reinforce your lesson. Sunday school games keep kids learning while having fun. When you have time, a game is a great way to reinforce what you've just taught. Get Organized! Sunday School Game ->->->Sign up for FREE...
    Attributes of God are something people look for often. Sometimes people want to know just how great He really is while others want to become more like Him. Me - I want to become more like Him. Get Organized! Sunday School Lesson Photo Courtesy of Beth Kanter Known fact - I am horrible at getting organized. I get off to a good start, then before...

    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Use this Easter Sunday School activity for your class. If you have a young class, let all the kids work on a single puzzle instead of giving each child one of their own. You can also use this for an adult Sunday School class. Have the papers laid out on their seats before class starts and be sure they have a pen or a pencil. Adults...
    It's always nice to have something extra for the kids to do. It's also nice to be able to send a little something home with them. This Sunday School coloring page has one of the Romans 12 bible verses printed on the bottom along with an extra verse listed on the page of the bible the little boy has open. The verse is James 1:19 KJV. ->->->Sign...

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    If you missed the Romans 12 - Feed Your Enemy Sunday School lesson you can find it here - Romans 12 Sunday School Lesson. If you've already checked it out, let's get right to the Sunday School game below. Sunday School Game - Photo Courtesy of Steven Depalo Sunday School Game ->->->Sign up for FREE Sunday school stuff on the right!!->->-> One...