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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    The book of Ruth may be short, but there is so much to learn from each word. One thing many people like about this popular book of the bible is that it reads like a fiction story that someone has made up even though every word is true. God allows us to step into the life of Ruth and see how choosing to follow God led her to the love of her life....
    If you'd like to make your own Jacob's ladder, you can use the technique in the video below. You can also use other supplies so that every kid in your Sunday school class can make one of these ladders to take home for themselves. Jacob's Ladder Activity Photo: Polyparaidigm Wikimedia Commons For those who are teaching Jacob's Ladder in Sunday...
    Jacob was a trickster. He tricked his twin brother out of his birthright for a bowl of soup. He also tricked his nearly blind father, Isaac, into giving him a blessing which was meant for his brother.  Jocob's Ladder Sunday School Lessons Photo: the Providence Lithograph Company Wikimedia Commons But, even after all of his tricking and...
    Jacob was always into something when he was a young man. First, he tricked his brother. Then, he tricked his father. Now, he is on a journey to find himself a wife in a different country because he is afraid that his brother may kill him if he stays. While that sounds a lot like a 'Soap Opera', it is just one of the true bible stories we can tell...

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    It's important for you to know as a Sunday school teacher that this bible story happened near the beginning of Jesus' ministry. He was only now calling the first of his 12 disciples. This true story happened not long after he was baptized by John the Baptist. Simon Peter cast out his fishing net just as Jesus said. Photo: Oxfordian Kissuth, Wikimedia...
    Use this fun Sunday school game to teach kids bible verses to go along with the lesson or to reinforce the Sunday school lesson about the Fishers of Men. You can also teach the kids the song "I Will Make You Fishers of Men". It's a cute song for younger kids to learn especially when you use the motions. Any stick will work to...
    Fishers of Men Song Photo: Alex Proimos Wikimedia Commons Here is a great song to go along with the Fishers of Men Sunday school lesson. It can be used anytime you need an extra song. We sing it randomly in our Sunday school class and the kids love the motions we've made up. When we are talking about being 'fishers of men' we pretend like...

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    David and Goliath is an all-time favorite bible story for many. Whether you're telling the story of David and Goliath or not, this is a cute song for your Sunday school class. The video of the song doesn't have the words, so I added them below.   It's amazing to think that this young boy, David, not only had the courage to face a giant...