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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

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    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Yes, it is a bit early, but Christian children's plays can be hard to find, especially free ones. It can also be hard to find a play to suit younger and older children together. Use the free Christmas play script below alone or add to it to incorporate older children. Following the simple steps will have children on the stage and performing in no...

    Monday, August 18, 2014

    Fundraisers don't need to always be about selling something like T-shirts, hats, popcorn, candy, cookies and so on. Many fundraisers do a lot better without items to sell. Below are several ideas for your church fundraiser that are sure to bring in lots of cash. Creative Fundraising Idea: Pickin' & Grinnin'     For a creative...

    Sunday, August 17, 2014

    Sunday School Lesson Date: August 11 Length: 1 hour Audience: Adults Lesson: Matthew 21:12-17   Opening Prayer Introduction                                                                                                                      ...

    Wednesday, August 6, 2014

    Sunday School Lesson Length: 1 hour Audience: Adults Lesson: 1 Corinthian 10:12-22 Prayer Introduction                                                                                                                      ...