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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

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    Monday, January 26, 2015

    What does the word "presence" mean? Not like gifts, but like being in the presence of someone. What does that mean? Right, it means to exist or to be somewhere. Today we are going to talk about being in the presence of God. But before we do that, I want you to imagine with me for a second.   What if, right now, Olaf (from the movie Frozen)...
    Here is a song I remember singing as a child in Sunday school. With all the technology today, I think we forget about what made our childhood great - playing outside, getting muddy, swinging on vines, swimming in lakes, jumping in puddles and these good old Sunday school songs we still remember today! Here you go. I hope you enjoy. Remember, if you like this, please share it with others by using the share buttons at the bottom. Also, if you...
    I love this bible story because not only does it show the bravery of women, but it also shows that God uses women as well as men. So, listen up girls and boys - God can and WILL use you no matter what age, color, or even if you are a boy or a girl. There are so many stories in the bible about God using women and children - like the story of Ruth or...

    Saturday, January 10, 2015

    How many times have you heard a child say, "I don't know how to pray" or "I don't know what to say" when you ask them to pray? While this may be all right for very small children, it is extremely important for kids to learn to pray as soon as possible - actually, for us ALL to know how. For most of us, we pray without giving it a second thought...