While many teach
Daniel and the lion's den as a bible story of how Daniel is saved by God from being eaten by lions, our Sunday school lesson today is going to focus on prayer. You see, Daniel prayed three times every day (every morning, noon, and night) even after a law was passed that he couldn't.
Daniel and the Lion's Den
Photo: redfern.biz |
And guess what.
He didn't even try to hide that he was praying. Too often, Christians try to hide who they are because of what others will think of them. Who will see them? Will someone make fun of them?
The bible tells us that we are not to be ashamed of God.
Mark 8:38 KJV
38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Imagine, if we are ashamed of God, He will be ashamed of us. We wouldn't want God ashamed of us, so we need to teach our Sunday school class to not be ashamed of God even if it means a child in their class makes fun of them.
Daniel and the Lion's Den
Today Sunday school lesson is called 'Before the Lion's Den'.
Daniel was a very important man who the king liked very much. Daniel was in charge of many things. Because the king like Daniel so much, some of the other men became jealous.
What does the bible say about being jealous?
One of the
10 Commandments (number ten) says that we are not to be jealous of what others have, but these men became so jealous they came up with a plan to get rid of Daniel.
They convinced the king to make a law that said no one could pray to any God, whether it be the one true God or an idol, for 30 days. If someone did pray to any God, they were to be cast into a lion's den.
The men new that Daniel prayed every day - three times a day. Daniel never hid when he was praying. Instead, he would go near a window and pray everyday. The men had seen Daniel praying before the law was made because he wasn't ashamed of praying and he never hid when he prayed.
He did the same routine every day. He prayed every morning, noon, and night and always by the window.
Daniel Didn't Hide
Now, even though Daniel could have hidden to pray during the 30 days the law was in effect and been safe, he didn't.
Instead, he did just like he did every other day. He went into his house, bowed down in front of his window and began to pray. The men saw Daniel and went straight to the king to tell on him. They were so jealous they wanted to get rid of Daniel fast.
But, do you know what happened?
God saved Daniel and even though he was threw into the lion's den, God still needed him here on earth. He wasn't ready for Daniel to die. So, God shut the lion's mouths and Daniel was safe all night.
The next morning, the king ran to see if Daniel's God had saved him. And he had. It was because Daniel wasn't ashamed of God and prayed three times every day when the law was made just like he had before that the king realized just how special and powerful God really was.
And do you know what?
The One True God
The king decided then and there that Daniel's God was the one true God. He also sent out a new law. This law said that every one should serve Daniel'
Isn't it wonderful to know that God can use us to let others know about him. If we are not ashamed of God and pray no matter who is looking at us, those people who see us may realize that God is real and they need to pray to him too.
What about your friends at school? Do you see them praying? Do you bow your head to pray before you eat lunch? Are you ashamed to pray in front of your friends?
The bible says we shouldn't be. We should be proud to have God in our lives and let everyone know we love him.
Take time to pray with your class now. Ask God to help you and the kids in your class to not be ashamed of God.
Need More Sunday School Lessons?
Use our one of our bible study books. Below is a daily study of Joseph. It can be used at home for your own children or you can break it up into weekly lessons for your Sunday school class. Teach them about Joseph from beginning to end in this study that covers Joseph's life written with children in mind.