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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    If you missed the Romans 12 - Feed Your Enemy Sunday School lesson you can find it here - Romans 12 Sunday School Lesson. If you've already checked it out, let's get right to the Sunday School game below.

    Sunday School Game - Photo Courtesy of Steven Depalo

    Sunday School Game

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    One of the main purposes of the Romans 12 lesson is to reinforce to children that God will take care of us and if we get angry, we should stop and think before yelling or being mean to someone.

    For this Sunday School game you'll need a rope of some sort, a ribbon or bandanna, and a piece of colored tape. A jump rope will work great for smaller classes. You'll also need some pretend food or if you serve snacks to your class, you could use real food. For larger classes, groups can take turns. Taking turns can be hard for some children, so be sure to remind them that we should be nice and slow to anger.

    James 1:19 KJV

    19 ...let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

    How to Play the Feed Your Enemy Sunday School Game

    Divide the kids up into groups of two or three. You should have two groups per game. You will be doing a tug-of-war. Have a piece of tape or a chalk line on the floor so the kids will know where to pull the other team too.

    Lay the jump rope on the floor. Measure to the center and tie the ribbon or bandanna. This will serve as your flag. Have one group stand on one side of the flag and the other group stand on the other.

    When you're ready, have the kids pick up the rope and stand still. Be sure they are listening. Reinforce the bible verse where they should be quick to listen. When you say go, let the kids begin pulling. The team whose side crosses over the middle line must say the bible verse above.

    The point of this game is to teach them to be slow to anger. Once they say the verse, allow them to give food to the other team just like the bible story 'Romans 12: Feed Your Enemy' talked about. If you wish, you can also allow them to pass out the drinks.

    Before ending the game, try to divide the teams up again to allow all the kids a turn to say the verse and pass out the food and drinks.

    Get the Romans 12 Coloring Page
    Ask them what they remember from the game. You're looking for them to say...

    • be slow to anger
    • feed your enemy
    • let God take care of things for you
    • give your enemy drinks
    • be slow to speak
    • listen carefully
    • and other things that pertain to the verses and story


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