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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Monday, April 8, 2013

    Here is Commandment Five from our 10 Commandment coloring pages series. Feel free to copy and distribute this page to your Sunday School class or use it for your next Sunday School game.

    Honoring your mother and father is a tough one for most kids. In today's world, it is easier to talk back and be defiant than it is to just do what you're told. Why?

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    Why Is This Commandment So Hard to Obey?

    Many people blame it on the times we live in. The world is bad, but we as teachers and parents need to teach our kids what's right and what's not. Believe me, even if the kids know what's right and what's not, they still seem to rather do what they want than what their parents tell them to do or any adult for that matter.

    I've worked with kids for a long time and I've had to get after a few that were not my own. I have been shocked many times when a child looks me right in the eye, then goes right ahead and does what I've just told them not too.

    Use the 10 Commandment coloring page below to help you teach your class to honor (not just obey) their father and mother. May God bless you as you teach God's word.


    Get the other 10 Commandment Coloring Pages!

    Remind the kids that honoring is more than just obeying. It is obeying with a kind, loving heart that doesn't grouch about it on the inside or out.


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