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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Monday, June 24, 2013

    When you're Sunday school class is studying the books of the bible, print out the FREE books of the bible Sunday school coloring pages on our site. We have lots of coloring pages for you to use and are adding more each week, so check back often. Adding your e-mail address to the right, will ensure you don't miss any of the FREE stuff we offer.

    Books of the Bible Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Below is the book of Numbers coloring page. Just to give you a bit of back ground on the book of Numbers, I've added a little bit about the bible story.

    The children of Israel moved from place to place living in tents for 40 long years. What they didn't know when they started their journey to the promised land was that it was only a few short days walk from where they were to where they were going.

    Instead, they wandered around the wilderness. The sad part was that none of the people who left Egypt made it into Canaan. Only their children was allowed to cross over into the promised land. Moses wasn't even one of them.

    The Book of Numbers Coloring Page
    (Double-Click to Print)
    The words in the circle read 'The Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years.'



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