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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

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    Saturday, October 26, 2013

    The fruit of the spirit need to be taught to Sunday school age children to help them grasp how God expects them to act toward others. Having a Godly attitude toward others helps others notice there is something different about you and often want what you have - Christ. Fruit of the Spirit Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia When teaching the...
    Learning about the fruit of the spirit at a young age will help your Sunday school children grow to live a more Godly life. Without the basic knowledge of how God expects us to live, children may never grow to let God shine through and may even come short of the glory of God. Fruit of the Spirit Photo Courtesy of Yosarian, Wikimedia While learning...

    Sunday, October 20, 2013

    Christmas Plays for Kids Photo Courtesy of Vagner Carvalheiro Christmas is just around the corner and it's time to be thinking about a Christmas play. Since we try to keep as much as we can free on our site, we've got a couple of free play scripts for you. Depending on what age Sunday school children you have, you may need to adjust these...
    As a child, the bible story of Zacchaeus was one of my favorites. I'm not sure why except for the fact that it was short, I heard it often, and we always sang this song on the day it was being told. A bit of background about Zacchaeus... Zacchaeus was a cheater who stole money from the people in his town, but despite the fact that no  Get...
    The bible story of Zacchaeus can help teach kids that no matter what they've done in their lives or will do, Jesus loves them and will forgive them. Kids should always be taught God is a forgiving God and if they truly are sorry for what they've done, God will forgive them. They will also understand the importance of loving others and sharing...

    Wednesday, October 9, 2013

    Jacob was always into something in the bible and there were many, many things written about him. God lets us follow Jacob from birth till death and we see all of his good and bad qualities through each and every verse. In the Jacob Falls in Love bible story, Jacob is tricked into marrying the wrong girl, then finds himself with two wives! Below is...
    While many of us only dream of falling in love at first sight and having someone love us so much it seemed like a fairy tale, Jacob experienced it. This bible story is a true real life love story about a man falling in love with a woman only to find out he had been tricked into marrying the wrong girl and guess who tricked him - her very own father! Jacob Photo:...