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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

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    Saturday, December 28, 2013

    Bible stories are great to teach your Sunday school kids about the word of God, but teaching them facts along the way are great too! It's amazing how often I set down to study my Sunday school lesson for my young class only to find I've learned two or three things I didn't know myself. I'm sure you've been there too. During this lesson, I hope...
    Here is a quick and fun Sunday school game for your kids to play this week. The only thing you'll need is some king clothes. Many Sunday schools already have king costumes from past Christmas plays which work great. If you don't, you can make a few crowns an use some clothes you have lying around the house. You can use the Sunday school game below...

    Monday, December 16, 2013

    While the wise men didn't follow the star to the manger like many nativity scenes and Christmas plays suggest, they did follow the star to find a young Jesus at his home with his mother (see verses below).   Tips for Sunday School Teachers Add your email to the right to get FREE stuff!    In the verses, you will find where...

    Sunday, December 15, 2013

    I often find myself needing something extra for the kids in Sunday school to do. Sometimes kids come early and need an activity to do to keep them busy or sometimes the story is a bit shorter than I anticipated. There have been times I have made games up on the spot while other times I have the kids read over bible verses we have printed on the...

    Monday, December 2, 2013

    Every Christmas my kids come home from school with crafts that are designed for the Christmas holiday. Of course, none of these Christmas crafts show the true meaning of the holiday season. For instance, we have Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, Santa, elves, sleighs, bags of toys, and Christmas trees. Before going on - sign up on the right to get...
    So many Christmas traditions surround the holidays that often the true meaning of Christmas gets lost in the shuffle. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Christmas? Is it the lights, the presents, the hustle and bustle of Black Friday deals, getting together with family, Santa Claus, Christmas music, or old Christmas movies?...