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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Sunday, December 15, 2013

    I often find myself needing something extra for the kids in Sunday school to do. Sometimes kids come early and need an activity to do to keep them busy or sometimes the story is a bit shorter than I anticipated.

    There have been times I have made games up on the spot while other times I have the kids read over bible verses we have printed on the wall. At Christmas time, it can be fun to have an extra activity especially designed for the holiday season.

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    The word search below was made with the "First Christmas" in mind along with making sure Sunday school teachers have what they need to keep the kids learning about our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The First Christmas Word Search Puzzle

    If you print this out and run out of time, send it home with the kids to do. You could even tell the kids to work on it with their parents or siblings. As they do the puzzle together, tell the kids to talk about what each word they are searching for has to do with the First Christmas.

    You can also do this in class together. Reinforcing your Sunday school lesson and the Word of God helps children all parts of the story better.

    The First Christmas Word Search Puzzle
    (click to print)



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