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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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    Thursday, January 23, 2014

    While Moses didn't feel he was the right man for the job, God knew he was the perfect man for it! There are many times we are just like Moses and feel we just can't do what God needs us to do.

    Whether it is go on a mission trip, spend a few more hours at church, lead VBS, visit the kids in your

    Sunday school classroom outside of church or any number of things God needs us for, we need to
    step up to the plate or risk missing out on blessings from God.

    I know how your feeling.

    More than likely, each and every one of you have been there at one time or another. Now, don't think I'm asking you to bite off more than you can chew. All I am asking is that you pray and listen for God's instructions.

    When He gives you your next assignment, stand up and say, "Here I am!" just as Moses did when God spoke to him out of the burning bush.

    Let My People Go - Sunday School Lesson

    While the above section was intended for the Sunday school teacher, it can be used as the beginning of your lesson too.

    Kids need to learn from a young age that when God needs them, they should be ready!

    When God gave Moses the task of going to the Pharaoh over all of Egypt, Moses wasn't sure he was ready. In fact, he didn't want to go at all.

    Instead, he told the Lord, "Lord, I don't speak very well. I am slow of speech."

    Maybe Moses couldn't speak very well. Maybe he stuttered. What Moses should have realized was the God had made his mouth, his voice and his tongue. God needed Moses to tell the Pharaoh to let his people go and God would be with him. He could do it.

    Why wouldn't Pharaoh let the Israelite people go?

    You see, Pharaoh was afraid the Israelite people were going to grow so strong that they would one day take over Egypt. So, he made them his slaves. He wanted to keep them as slaves. He didn't want to let them go.

    When Moses didn't want to go to Egypt to tell Pharaoh to let God's people go, God was angry.

    God said, "Moses you have a brother named Aaron. He speaks very well. Take him with you. Don't worry Moses. I will teach you what to do and what to say. I will be with you through it all."

    Moses and Aaron finally went to Pharaoh and although the Pharaoh didn't let the Israelite people go at first, God showed the Pharaoh who was in charge and eventually, he did let them go.

    Bible Verse for this Lesson

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)
    18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

    If you have smaller kids and the verse is too long, you can break it down and just help them learn either...

    In every thing give thanks:
    for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus

    What Can We Learn?

    God never asks us to do something we are not capable of. Instead, he uses us in ways we never knew existed. During this lesson, stress to your class that each one of them have something special God has given them and whether they know what it is or not, God does knows and that's all that matters.

    When God is with us, we shouldn't be scared.

    It can be hard to step outside our comfort zone, but sometimes that's just what it takes - stepping out. I've added a video below. Listen to the song lyrics. It's all about stepping out even when your heart is telling you to give up.

    If you are able, maybe you can show this video to your class.

    Standing in front of the church, praying out loud, telling your friends about Jesus, and standing up for what you believe are all things that can make us scared at times. But, just as God was with Moses, he will be with you too.

    You can read more about Moses in the book of Exodus.


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