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    Thursday, February 13, 2014

    Here is a Sunday school coloring page you can use as a quick, easy and fun craft for younger kids. All you need to do is print out the coloring sheet below and have a few other items ready for the kids to use.

    The coloring page below is basic and simple on purpose. It is designed to let the kids express their creativity!

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    First Sunday School Craft Idea

    If you have smaller kids, go ahead and cut out the rocks as a whole below. There is no need to cut the rocks out separately.

    If your kids are old enough to cut themselves, let them color Joshua's memorial rocks below first. Then, let them cut them out and paste them to a colored piece of construction paper.

    Have the kids cut out the words at the top and paste it on the construction paper.

    Second Sunday School Craft Idea

    Another option is a bit messy, but is sure is fun! If it is warm outside, you may want to do this craft outside!

    You will need to have the kids cut out the rocks and glue them to the construction paper. Next, have the kids put glue on one rock at a time. Have colored sand ready for the kids to sprinkle onto the glue making different colored 'sandy' rocks!

    See idea number three down the page!

    Third Sunday School Craft Idea

    Follow the first part of the craft above, except have tissue paper or small cut up colored paper for the kids to glue onto the rocks instead.

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