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Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 KJV

  • Sunday School Lessons

    Find Sunday School Lessons - Teach kids of all ages with these easy to follow bible stories and lessons.

  • Sunday School Coloring Pages

    Find Sunday School Coloring Pages - Print these FREE coloring pages to use with your lessons or as time fillers.

  • Sunday School Games

    Find Sunday School Games - Teach kids about the bible and help them learn their bible verses with these easy to follow bible games.

    Thursday, November 21, 2013

    Do You Hear What I Hear is a fabulous Christmas song for Sunday school kids to perform around Christmas whether it is in the church play or just for the congregation. It talks about the star above to the baby Jesus to how that small baby will one day bring goodness and light to the world.

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    There is a whole Sunday school lesson that can be taught just by using this one Christmas song.

    Below is a video with young girls using sign language to perform the song. We have young children (ages 1 - 7) who will be performing this song this Christmas and have chosen to use only the basic motions from the video below.

    Follow along and do all of the signs or just pick out the motions you like best. The Christmas season is all about celebrating the birth of our Lord and savior, so make that the focal point this holiday.

    If you'd like to download the song, you can download it here. Or, if you'd like to have it on CD, you can get it here.

    Do You Hear What I Hear Song Motions

    Here is the video. The lyrics to the song is below.



    Lyrics to 'Do You Hear What I Hear'

    Said the night wind to the little lamb
    Do you see what I see
    Way up in the sky little lamb
    Do you see what I see
    A star, a star
    Dancing in the night
    With a tail as big as a kite
    With a tail as big as a kite

    Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
    Do you hear what I hear
    Ringing through the sky shepherd boy
    Do you hear what I hear
    A song, a song
    High above the tree
    With a voice as big as the sea
    With a voice as big as the sea

    Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king
    Do you know what I know
    In your palace wall mighty king
    Do you know what I know
    A child, a child
    Shivers in the cold
    Let us bring him silver and gold
    Let us bring him silver and gold

    Said the king to the people everywhere
    Listen to what I say
    Pray for peace people everywhere
    Listen to what I say
    The child, the child
    Sleeping in the night
    He will bring us goodness and light
    He will bring us goodness and light

    The child, the child
    Sleeping in the night
    He will bring us goodness and light
    Below is the song, lyrics, and motions to a great Christmas song for your Sunday school kids during the church Christmas play. Younger kids will love the song while the adults will be happy with the simple motions and the ease of learning them.

    The song "The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy" is cute, repetitive and great for the holiday season.

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    The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy Song with Motions

    If you don't have a copy of the song, you can download it here. Or, if you'd rather have it on CD, you can get it here.

    Here is the motions and below are the lyrics.

    Here are the lyrics to The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy.

    Merry Christmas!
    The Christmas story is one of the most important bible stories a child can learn right next to Jesus dying on the cross. While a lot of hype is focused on what toys kids want (and that part of it can be fun) for Christmas, we must remind and remind again that Jesus is the reason for the season.

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    Without Jesus Christ, there would be no reason for living. Living a life without Christ is a life without a joyous ending. Those of us who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior know that when our work on earth is done, we have a home prepared for us in glory - praise God! It is our job to instill that same message inside our little ones whether they are one or 101 years old.

    Below are some Sunday school coloring pages you can print off to use for your classes this holiday season.

    Teach the Christmas Story Sunday school lesson...

    May God bless you and have a very merry Christmas!

    The Christmas Story Coloring Pages

    Click to print.

    If you don't want the yellow in this coloring sheet,
    simply print it off in black and white.
    The wise men followed the star.

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    If you are like me, you always want to make sure you have an extra Sunday school activity ready at hand. Kids can be finicky. Sometimes they love to sing and dance while other times they want to play a game. Of course, you never know what will keep their attention from week-to-week, so I want to make sure you have something different ready to go.

    Here is a free printable word scramble to go along with the Sunday school lesson - Rich Young Ruler. It will be a bit difficult for pre-school aged children, but the older kids will love it.

    Sunday School Activity - Word Scramble

    Many kids love to race, you can choose to let them race to see who can unscramble each word or may finish the whole page. Whatever you decide to do, do it for the glory of our Lord and Savior!

    Here are the answers so you don't have to figure them out on your own. Enjoy!

    • RICH
    • YOUNG
    • RULER
    • JESUS
    • TEACH
    • MONEY
    • CAMEL
    • NEEDLE
    The final phrase at the bottom is ETERNAL LIFE!

    If some kids get finished before others,
    the title can be colored in using markers or colored pencils.
    (double-click to print)

    The bible story about the rich young ruler makes for a great Sunday school lesson. It can be told quickly, if needed, or it can be made into a lesson complete with discussions where the whole class can get involved.

    When Jesus is talking to the rich young ruler, he ask him about the 10 Commandments. This is a great opportunity to touch on all ten which will also lead into a different branch of the story.

    You can find this bible story in Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, and Luke 18:18-30. We used the King James Bible and the King James Bible Commentary for this lesson.

    When teaching this Sunday school lesson, a great verse to go over along with the 10 Commandments is...

    Luke 1:37 KJV
    For with God nothing shall be impossible.
    In Matthew 19:26 (KJV), Jesus is talking to his disciples about the rich young ruler and how difficult it is for the rich to get into heaven (more on that below). Jesus tells his disciples, that with men things are impossible, but with God all things are possible.
    Rich Young Ruler
    Sunday School Lessons
    Photo Courtesy of Theodore Scott, Wikimedia Commons

    Rich Young Ruler Sunday School Lesson

    One day, a young man came to Jesus and said, "What good thing must I do to have eternal life?"
    You see, Jesus knows everything and he knew what was in the rich young ruler's heart. So, Jesus said to the young man, "Keep the commandments."
    Jesus was talking about the 10 Commandments.
    The rich young ruler asked, "Which commandment must I keep?"
    Jesus said, "Thou shalt do no murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother, and Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
    The young man replied, "I have done all of these things since I was a young boy."
    Then, Jesus said, "If you have kept all the 10 Commandments and are perfect, take everything that you have and give it to the poor. Then, come and follow me. You will have treasure in heaven."
    When the rich young ruler heard what Jesus told him to do, he got up and walked away very sad. How could he give up all that he had for he was very rich?
    Instead of choosing to follow Jesus, the young man decided he would rather be rich here on earth than in heaven.
    Ask the kids what they love more than anything. Wait for answers.
    Some may answer their toys, their games, their pets or even their parents. Then, explain that we are to love God even more than those things we love the most.
    We are to put God above all else. Of course, God doesn't expect us to give everything we have away, but he does expect us to put him first. When it is time for church, we shouldn't complain that our favorite TV show is on or that we'd rather play outside.
    Instead, we are to be excited about going to church or Sunday school to hear about God and what we can do to tell others about him. We should want to hear bible stories and tell others so they may want to ask Jesus into their hearts too.
    Get this FREE printable
    Sunday School Word Scramble
    for this Sunday School Lesson!

    Jesus Talks to His Disciples

    Even in bible times, Jesus taught his disciples just like we are learning now. When the rich young ruler walked away, Jesus used what happened as an opportunity to teach his disciples something important.
    What did he teach them? Let  your Sunday school kids try to answer.
    He taught them that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven.
    To help show the kids how small the eye of a needle is, you should have one with you for them to see.
    The disciples were amazed at what Jesus had said and asked, "Who then can be saved?"
    You see, Jesus was saying that most, but not all, rich people think more about the money they have right now than they do about life after they die. Many rich people believe that if they have enough money, they can buy all that they want, but sadly, they can not buy their way into heaven.
    To answer the disciples, Jesus said, "With men this is impossible (getting into heaven); but with God all things are possible."
    What did he mean?
    Men can't do anything on their own, especially get into heaven. Thankfully, with God all things are possible. We must put our trust in God if we expect to get anywhere in this life or the life hereafter.

    Extra for Sunday School Teachers

    This would be a good time to have the children bow their heads and say a prayer. You may even want to ask if anyone would like to ask Jesus to come into their hearts.

    Saturday, November 2, 2013

    The books of 1 and 2 Samuel are packed full of stories about the life of David. Of course, one of the most famous bible stories is that of David and Goliath.

    It is a story that many children and adults know and love.

    When I was very young, we had missionaries that attended our church. They were known as "The Crossons". They had one daughter, Joy, who was married to a wonderful man named Rick. Rick and Joy, along with her parents The Crossons, traveled from school to school spreading the Word of God to young children.

    It was because of these four amazing Christians (and my parents) that I am who I am today.

    During the time that I spent with our missionaries (whom I consider family), I learned the song 'Only a Boy Named David'. And since it was more than 30 years ago I learned this song, you can be sure it is an oldie, but a goodie!

    After you teach your Sunday school class the song about David, let them color the picture below. I need to give credit to the Christian Unite website for the clipart of David and Goliath as I did not supply this one.

    Click here for more Sunday school coloring pages!

    1 and 2 Samuel Coloring Page
    (double-click to print)

    Saturday, October 26, 2013

    The fruit of the spirit need to be taught to Sunday school age children to help them grasp how God expects them to act toward others. Having a Godly attitude toward others helps others notice there is something different about you and often want what you have - Christ.

    Fruit of the Spirit
    Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia

    When teaching the fruit of the spirit Sunday school lesson, have some fresh fruit available for the kids to munch on. In a bowl, put some red and green grapes, cut up some red and green apples, and toss in some watermelon or cantaloupe. Be sure to add lemon juice to the cut apples to keep them from browning. Many children love bananas too and can be cut in slices or given as a whole banana.

    Other fruit options:
    • strawberries
    • pears
    • coconut
    • pomegranates
    • oranges
    • pineapple
    • cherries
    Here is a fun song by Kathy Vincent, otherwise known as 'The Scripture Lady'. There is an ad at the beginning of the video (sorry). Also, she does change up the words a bit to give the kids the 'meaning' of the fruit instead making it a good song to sing after the lesson has been taught.

    Here you go. I hope you enjoy!

    Fruit of the Spirit Song with Motions

    Learning about the fruit of the spirit at a young age will help your Sunday school children grow to live a more Godly life. Without the basic knowledge of how God expects us to live, children may never grow to let God shine through and may even come short of the glory of God.

    Fruit of the Spirit
    Photo Courtesy of Yosarian, Wikimedia

    While learning to get by in this world is a necessity, our eternal life is the most important thing children need to know about and how to share that knowledge with others.

    That being said, let's begin our Sunday school lesson about the fruit of the spirit.

    What Are the Fruits of the Spirit?

    The fruit of the spirit can be found in Galatians 5:22-23. I've added the verse below for you.
    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
    23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
    There are 9 elements to the fruit of the spirit as you can see in the verses above. For younger children, you may have to work on two at a time while older children can do three, four or even five one week and finish up the others in the weeks to come.
    Trying to do all 9 in one lesson may result in the kids forgetting them or even becoming confused.
    One of the best ways to learn all of the fruits is by learning them just as they are in the bible. Start with the first part of the verse - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness.
    Again, if you have smaller children, just work on two - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy.
    Many kids learn visually, so having these printed on a large piece of poster board will be your best option. Of course, if you have a black board or a dry erase board, those will work great too.
    Print this on the board...
    But the
    fruit of the Spirit
    Don't add the other fruits until you are ready. Having too much on the poster board will only cause confusion.
    When the kids have learned the first part, then and only then should you move on to the last part of the verse...
    against such there is no law.
    So, what do these fruits mean?

    Meaning of the Fruit of the Spirit

    Get the FREE Fruit of the Spirit
    Sunday school Song
    and activity!
    First, it is important to know that God calls them the fruit of the spirit not 'fruits'. The best way to
    describe this is to say that it is ONE fruit with nine elements. The first three elements are in relation to God. The second three are in relation to man. The last three are in relation to one's (inner) self.
    If you'd like to study these using the elements above, only do three each time you meet that way you can talk about the relation to God, man, and one's self as well.
    We'll start with the first one and go through all nine. I've listed them below in case you need them.
    • love - to be self-sacrificing and show a Christlike love.
    • joy - to have an inner rejoicing in the Lord.
    • peace - to have the peace (salvation) that only Christ can give and no one can take it away.
    • longsuffering - showing patience in times of trouble or suffering especially when those troubles are brought on by other people such as being provoked.
    • gentleness - to be kind, gracious, tender, and mild
    • goodness - always ready to do good and to be moral
    • faith - being true to his promise and tasks he performs
    • meekness - having controlled strength and listening to hear God
    • temperance - self-control
    And, last but not least, the end of the verse. What does 'against such there is no law' mean?
    This means that there is no law that says you can not possess these virtues. There are so many laws in this world telling us what we can and can't do, it is good to know that no man can take these things away from us.

    Sunday, October 20, 2013

    Christmas Plays for Kids
    Photo Courtesy of Vagner Carvalheiro
    Christmas is just around the corner and it's time to be thinking about a Christmas play. Since we try to keep as much as we can free on our site, we've got a couple of free play scripts for you. Depending on what age Sunday school children you have, you may need to adjust these a bit.


    Free Christmas Plays for Kids

    Adding an extra line here and there to accommodate more children or adding Christmas music into the play will help with adjusting the length of the play if needed.

    These Christmas plays for kids were written with smaller children in mind and to be short like a one-act play.

    Again, don't be afraid to add a song or two or even add some extra lines. Make them work for you. After all, it is your Christmas play. Make it what you want!

    Here are the links to the play scripts. I hope you like them and have a Merry Christmas!

    Play Scripts

    A Christian Children's Christmas Play
    Children's Christmas Play for Church
    Free Christmas Programs

    Merry Christmas!
    As a child, the bible story of Zacchaeus was one of my favorites. I'm not sure why except for the fact that it was short, I heard it often, and we always sang this song on the day it was being told.

    A bit of background about Zacchaeus...

    Zacchaeus was a cheater who stole money from the people in his town, but despite the fact that no
    Get the Zacchaeus
    Sunday School Lesson
    one liked him, Jesus went to his house.

    The people didn't understand why Jesus would want to spend his time with a sinner. What they didn't realize was they were all sinners just like you and I. Thankfully, Jesus loved Zacchaeus enough to walk with him and talk with him. I am so blessed to know that even though I am a sinner, Jesus takes the time to walk and talk with me.

    I am also extremely thankful that I am one of God's children who will get to spend eternity with him in heaven.

    Zacchaeus was a Wee Little Man Song with Lyrics

    I hope you enjoy this song. If you'd like, make up some simple motions to go along with the lyrics. Some motions may include: pretending to walk, pretending to climb a tree, and motions showing that Zacchaeus was a short man.